The Muzineum
Exhibition Statement: The Muzineum is a hyperlocal DIY zine (think magaZINE) publisher and exhibitor that focuses on the lived experiences of the community. The inaugural zine and exhibit is called Pandemic Still Life: Words and Images from Lexington, KY. The Community Curator, Anna Campomanes, asked four Lexingtonians to create still life images and literally compositions inspired by their surroundings while at home. Their work was then compiled into both a zine and exhibit format to create Pandemic Still Life.
Artist Bios: Anna Campomanes is the heart and energy behind this zine and The Muzineum. She loves being a homemaker and momma to plants and animals.
Tiffany Duncan lives in Kentucky. She enjoys reading, watching movies, and looking at the stars.
Hannah Moles was raised up in the bite-sized town of Nicholasville, Kentucky where she grew tall with artistic influences close to her. She prefers producing work through fibers, photography, paint, and installation sculpture. Hannah explores the concepts of identity and how this identity is built and strengthened.
Anonymous: I am a young, queer, disabled person born and raised in Lexington. I’m really just getting my life started. Screw cops, landlords, CEOs, and anti-homeless architecture.
Paisley Rose is an artist. She was born in Tennessee and lived in New York for a long time. Now she lives in Lexington, KY. She likes to make zines and books, take photos, make sculptures, and give herself tattoos. She hopes to get vaccinated very soon.
Artist Bios: Anna Campomanes is the heart and energy behind this zine and The Muzineum. She loves being a homemaker and momma to plants and animals.
Tiffany Duncan lives in Kentucky. She enjoys reading, watching movies, and looking at the stars.
Hannah Moles was raised up in the bite-sized town of Nicholasville, Kentucky where she grew tall with artistic influences close to her. She prefers producing work through fibers, photography, paint, and installation sculpture. Hannah explores the concepts of identity and how this identity is built and strengthened.
Anonymous: I am a young, queer, disabled person born and raised in Lexington. I’m really just getting my life started. Screw cops, landlords, CEOs, and anti-homeless architecture.
Paisley Rose is an artist. She was born in Tennessee and lived in New York for a long time. Now she lives in Lexington, KY. She likes to make zines and books, take photos, make sculptures, and give herself tattoos. She hopes to get vaccinated very soon.
Public Gallery Hours
Wednesday 12pm-5pm
Thursday 12pm-5pm Friday 12pm-5pm Saturday 12pm - 5pm Viewings also available by appointment |
The Loudoun House
209 Castlewood Dr. Lexington, Ky. 40505 Email: [email protected]
Phone 859-254-7024 |
All Lexington Art League programs are made possible through the generous support of LexArts.
The Kentucky Arts Council, a state arts agency, provides operating support to the Lexington Art League with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support provided by Lexington Parks & Recreation.
A yearly online giving challenge from the Bluegrass Community Foundation.